Archive as much of your email as you want, or archive and speed up your email client by removing the mails from the mail client. Search archived email as easily as you search email today. Mail Archive X automatically checks and verifies as good whenever mails are added to an archive. Mail Archiver X is a Mac app from Moth Software Mainz (Beatrix Willius) for collecting and archiving into a database email from popular email apps – Entourage, Outlook, Eudora, Apple Mail, Powermail, Postbox, Thunderbird – and it can also import standard mbox files or collect email directly from Gmail, Office 365 Exchange or iCloud.
A Central Archive for All Emails. Internet mailboxes such as Gmail or Yahoo! Mail; Any POP3 and IMAP mailboxes; Microsoft Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019; Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail; i Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and 2007 are no longer maintained by Microsoft. Therefore, we are only able to ensure limited compatibility.
With a single click on the Archive button, MailSteward will go to work storing copies of all your e-mail from your Apple Mail or Postbox™ mail accounts -- including full text, HTML and attachments -- in a relational database on your computer for fast, multi-term searches and easy retrieval.
MailSteward has a wealth of features for importing, tagging, saving and exporting your vital e-mail information in a number of standard data formats.
To understand just how powerful and easy-to-use MailSteward is, download the free version of MailSteward and try it out for as long as you like. The free version is full-feature but limited to a maximum 15,000 e-mails.
MailSteward comes in three versions, MailSteward Lite ($24.95), MailSteward ($49.95) and MailSteward Pro ($99.95) available for purchase in the pubBlog online store.
There is a bulk discount for purchases of 10 to 20 copies of either MailSteward or MailSteward Pro and 50-user site licenses are also available for both products.
MailSteward Lite has all of the archiving and searching functionality of MailSteward but lacks the ability to save frequently used searches and the features of exporting, and merging databases. MailSteward Pro has all of the features of MailSteward but uses the MySQL Server software for its database rather than the SQLite database engine used by MailSteward and MailSteward Lite.
Regular MailSteward, using SQLite, can handle large volumes of e-mail, 250,000 or more but for very large volumes which require an industrial-grade relational database server, MailSteward Pro is the best solution. MailSteward Pro requires MySQL database server software to be installed and running.
An upgrade of MailSteward to MailSteward Pro is available for $49.95. If you are a registered user of MailSteward, click on upgrades and follow the instructions to obtain the latest version.
by Davide Libenzi |
XMail is an Internet and intranetmail server featuring an ESMTP server, POP3 server, finger server,TLS support for SMTP and POP3 (both server and client side), multiple domains,no need for users to have a real system account, SMTP relay checking,DNS based maps check, custom (IP based and address based) spam protection,SMTP authentication (PLAIN LOGIN CRAM-MD5 POP3-before-SMTP and custom),a POP3 account syncronizer with external POP3 accounts, account aliases,domain aliases, custom mail processing, direct mail files delivery,custom mail filters, mailing lists, remote administration, custom mail exchangers,logging, and multi-platform code. XMail sources compile under GNU/Linux,FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OSX, Solaris and NT/2K/XP. Read the file README.TXTincluded with the distribution.
Mail Backup X
XMail is distributed under GPLlicense, either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.Please read the license carefully :
GPL License
XMail Download
How To Archive Outlook 365 Emails
XMail Version 1.27
XMail Source
NT/2k/XP Binaries
XMail page mirrors :
Czech Republic
XMail Documentation
Online XMail manual as HTML. Here is the ChangeLog.Give it a full read before installing XMail on the net. Read well theHistory (changes) section before upgrading to new versions of XMailbecause ( even if I'll try to minimize this ) configuration files mayvary from a version to another. For a more clear XMail's errors numberexplanation there's this document.
XMail Mailing List
The XMail project has two mailinglists xmail@xmailserver.org(more technical) and xmail-announce@xmailserver.org(new releases). To subscribe You've to send a message to xmail-request@xmailserver.orgor xmail-announce-request@xmailserver.orgwith an empty subject and with a message body containing a line :
The message must be clear text (nohtml). You'll receive a confirm email to which You've to reply bykeeping the message body intact (no extra '>'). To unsubscribesimply do the same thing with the word 'unsubscribe' instead of'subscribe'. For detailed help send a message with empty subject andbody containing a line 'help' to ecartis@xmailserver.org.
XMail Tools
eyeXMail -MultiUse COM object that can be used to administer, send and retrievemail by Shawn Anderson
XMWizard - XMail install andconfiguration software for Windows by Shawn Anderson
XmailFilter - XMail filter examplewritten in C# by Andrew Jennings
Various XMail Filters - A few XMail filters from Martin Schmid
XMailAdmin - XMailconfiguration tool in VB by John Kielkopf
xmailWebMail - Web administrationusing ASP by Zhou Bo
PHPXmail -XMailadministration toolkit written in PHP
econv.c - XMail spool to email format coverter (Csource file)
rbuild.c - Email to XMail spool format converter(C source file)
mailman.sh - Script file to integrate XMail with Mailman
lisset.pl - XMail's cmdaliases generator forecartis mailing list server (Perl source file)
ecartis.sh - Shell script wrapper for Ecartismailing list server
swrap.c - Secure exec wrapper
AV Scripts - Anti VirusScript Collection by Edinilson J. Santos
XMail PHP Administration Interface- XMail Web administration interface in PHP by Andreas Klein and HagenHerrschaft
XMail Debian Package- Debian package
XMail Web Frontend - XMail webinterface written in PHP by Achim Schmidt
AntiVirus filter -AntiVirus filter for XMail by Peter Lindeman
XMail Manager -XMail administration tool written in VB by Mike Harrington
XMail Queue Manager - XMailqueue manager by Harald Schneider
SpamAssassin filter - APerl filter that integrates SpamAssassin with XMail by Don Drake
Hosting Controller - Amanagement console for XMail running on Windows (commercial license)
zinc.pl - Generates XMail delivery time tables
mboxsend.pl - Perl script that delivers mailto MBOX files
mboxsend.c - C source version of mboxsend.pl
SmartPost Home Page- Fully featuredemail solution
XQFlusher - Commandline utility to handle the spool by Leonardo Cabral
FProt AV Scan - Filterscriptto AV scan messages using FProt by Filip
HowTonon-root XMail - How to run XMail with a non root user account bySergey Ivanov
XMail's NT DomainAuthentication - Executable that can be used to perform XMail'sexternal authentication against an NT doman by Tracy
Change password option forUebiMiau (Perl CGI) - Adding 'change password' option to users'preferences menu in UebiMiau 2.7.2 on for XMail by Liron Newman
Check MTA Util- Simple telnetish client to check the responses from the mail serverby Chuck Frolick
.NET Libs to Manage XMail- .NET libs and apps to manage and interface by Tim Aranki
XMailGraph- XMail log analyzer and graphing tool by Achim Schmidt
XAVStats- XAV statistics for XMail by Liron Newman
xm-spf.pl - SPFintegration filter for XMail
XMail IPV6 Patch- Experimental IPV6 patch for Linux by Yasuhiko Kamata
XMail AV and SPAM filters- AV and SPAM filters for Windows by Jason J. Ellingson
XMail and PythonSpambayes- XMail and Python Spambayes interface by Ng Pheng Siong
XMail Non-Root- Another XMail Non-Root approach by Ng Pheng Siong
GLST- SMTP Grey Listing module for Unix and Windows platforms
XMail Filters- Collection of XMail filters by Chris L. Franklin
SpamAssassinFilter- SpamAssassin Filter for XMail by OKI Miyuki
xmspam- Another SpamAssassin Filter for XMail by Jean-Francois Hovinne
Patch for XMail HPUX Support- This is a patch for XMail 1.22 to support HPUX OS by Raphael Couto
XMail Log Archiver- XMail log archiver
XMail Links
XMail Home @ FreshMeat
XMail Forums
XMail NewsGroup- Mailing list mirror
XMailArchive- Mailing list archive
XMail filters repository
Null Web Mail - MailWeb Interface ( CGI written in Ansi C )
MuMail - Another Web MailInterface
WebMailAsp - Web MailApplication for Windows ( commercial license )
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