
  1. Salute Gif
  2. Salute Restaurant
  3. Salute Definition
  4. Salute Your Shorts

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(redirected from salut)Salute
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1. To greet or address with an expression of welcome, goodwill, or respect.
2. To recognize (a superior) with a gesture prescribed by military regulations, as by raising the hand to the cap.
a. To honor formally and ceremoniously: saluted the fallen soldiers in his remarks.
b. To express warm approval of; commend: salute an agency for its charity work.
4. To become noticeable to: A stench saluted our nostrils.
a. An act or gesture of welcome, honor, or courteous recognition: a musical salute to the composer's 90th birthday.
b. The position of the hand or rifle or the bodily posture of a person saluting a military superior.
3. A formal military display of honor or greeting, such as the firing of cannon.
[Middle English saluten, from Latin salūtāre, from salūs, salūt-, health; see sol- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(səˈluːt) vb
1. (tr) to address or welcome with friendly words or gestures of respect, such as bowing or lifting the hat; greet
2. (tr) to acknowledge with praise or honour: we salute your gallantry.
3. (Military) military to pay or receive formal respect, as by presenting arms or raising the right arm
5. (Military) a formal military gesture of respect
[C14: from Latin salūtāre to greet, from salūs wellbeing]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n., v. -lut•ed, -lut•ing.n. 1.
a. a formal gesture of respect given to a person of superior military rank, as raising the right hand to the side of the head.
b. a ceremonial gesture of respect, as the discharge of firearms, performed by a military or naval force to honor a dignitary or commemorate an occasion.
2. any instance or occasion of formal greeting or welcome.
4. to address with expressions of goodwill, respect, etc.; greet.
5. to make a bow or other gesture to, as in greeting, farewell, or respect.
6. to express respect or praise for; honor; commend.
[1350–1400; (v.) Middle English < Latin salūtāre to greet, wish well, derivative of salūs, s. salūt- health; (n.) Middle English, partly < Old French salut]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


greet1. 'salute'

When members of the armed forces salute someone, they raise their right hand as a formal sign of greeting or respect.

2. 'greet'

Don't use 'salute' to say that someone says or does something to express friendliness when they meet someone else. Use greet.

He hurried to greet his guests.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: saluted
Gerund: saluting
I salute
you salute
he/she/it salutes
we salute
you salute
they salute
I saluted
you saluted
he/she/it saluted
we saluted
you saluted
they saluted
Present Continuous
I am saluting
you are saluting
he/she/it is saluting
we are saluting
you are saluting
they are saluting
Present Perfect
I have saluted
you have saluted
he/she/it has saluted
we have saluted
you have saluted
they have saluted
Past Continuous
I was saluting
you were saluting
he/she/it was saluting
we were saluting
you were saluting
they were saluting
Past Perfect
I had saluted
you had saluted
he/she/it had saluted
we had saluted
you had saluted
they had saluted
I will salute
you will salute
he/she/it will salute
we will salute
you will salute
they will salute
Future Perfect
I will have saluted
you will have saluted
he/she/it will have saluted
we will have saluted
you will have saluted
they will have saluted
Future Continuous
I will be saluting
you will be saluting
he/she/it will be saluting
we will be saluting
you will be saluting
they will be saluting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been saluting
you have been saluting
he/she/it has been saluting
we have been saluting
you have been saluting
they have been saluting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been saluting
you will have been saluting
he/she/it will have been saluting
we will have been saluting
you will have been saluting
they will have been saluting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been saluting
you had been saluting
he/she/it had been saluting
we had been saluting
you had been saluting
they had been saluting
I would salute
you would salute
he/she/it would salute
we would salute
you would salute
they would salute
Past Conditional
I would have saluted
you would have saluted
he/she/it would have saluted
we would have saluted
you would have saluted
they would have saluted
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.salute - an act of honor or courteous recognition; 'a musical salute to the composer on his birthday'
credit, recognition - approval; 'give her recognition for trying'; 'he was given credit for his work'; 'give her credit for trying'
2.salute - a formal military gesture of respect
greeting, salutation - (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)
armed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; 'their military is the largest in the region'; 'the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker'
3.salute - an act of greeting with friendly words and gestures like bowing or lifting the hat
greeting, salutation - (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)
Verb1.salute - propose a toast to; 'Let us toast the birthday girl!'; 'Let's drink to the New Year'
give - propose; 'He gave the first of many toasts at the birthday party'
honor, honour, reward - bestow honor or rewards upon; 'Today we honor our soldiers'; 'The scout was rewarded for courageous action'
2.salute - greet in a friendly way; 'I meet this men every day on my way to work and he salutes me'
greet, recognise, recognize - express greetings upon meeting someone
3.salute - express commendation of; 'I salute your courage!'
praise - express approval of; 'The parents praised their children for their academic performance'
4.salute - become noticeable; 'a terrible stench saluted our nostrils'
smell - smell bad; 'He rarely washes, and he smells'
5.salute - honor with a military ceremony, as when honoring dead soldiers
greet, recognise, recognize - express greetings upon meeting someone
6.salute - recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation; assume a prescribed position; 'When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute'
greet, recognise, recognize - express greetings upon meeting someone
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.greet, welcome, acknowledge, address, kiss, hail, salaam, accost, pay your respects to, doff your cap toHe stepped out and saluted the general.
2.honour, celebrate, acknowledge, recognize, take your hat off to(informal), pay tribute or homage toThe statement salutes the changes of the past year.
1.greeting, recognition, salutation, address, kiss, salaam, obeisanceHe raised his hand in salute.
2.homage, recognition, tribute, toast, compliment, testimonial, acknowledgment, eulogya special salute to her for her protest
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To address in a friendly and respectful way:
2. To approach for the purpose of speech:
1. An expression, in words or gestures, marking a meeting of persons:
2. A formal token of appreciation and admiration for a person's high achievements:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
تَحِيَّه بإطْلاق النّاريُحَيّييُحَيِّي بإطلاق الرَّصاص
gøre honnørhilsesalutsalutere
heiîra meî òví aî hleypa af skotumheilsaòaî aî heiîra
saliutassveikinti atiduodant pagarbąsveikinti saliutuojant
selâm vermekselâmlamaselamlamakselâmlamak


A.N (Mil) (with hand) → saludom; (with guns) → salvaf
to take the saluteresponder al saludo (en un desfile militar)
to fire a salute of 21 guns for sbsaludar a algn con una salva de 21 cañonazos
2. (fig) (= acclaim) → aclamar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= praise, pay tribute to) → saluer
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nGrußm; (of guns)Salutm; he raised his hand in saluteer hob seine HandzumGruß; to raise one’s glass in salutesein Glas zu einem Toasthochheben; flags were raised in salutezurBegrüßungwurden die Fahnengehisst; to stand at the salutesalutieren; a 21-gun salute21 Salutschüsse; to take the salutedie Paradeabnehmen; he gave a smart saluteer salutiertezackig
vt (Mil) flag etcgrüßen; person alsosalutieren vor(+dat); (fig liter: = welcome) → begrüßen; couragebewundern, den Hut ziehen vor(+dat); we salute the glorious deadwir gedenken der gefallenenHelden
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1.n (Mil) (with hand) → saluto; (with gunfire) → salva
to take the salute → passare in rassegna le truppe
2.vt (Mil) (fig) → salutare
to salute the flag → salutare la bandiera
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(səˈluːt) verb
1. (especially in the forces) to raise the (usually right) hand to the forehead to show respect. They saluted their commanding officer. salueer يُحَيّي، يُسَلِّم على، يُؤَدّي السّلام العَسْكَري приветствам fazer continência salutovat salutieren gøre honnør χαιρετώsaludar tervitama اداي احترام كردن tervehtiä saluer לְהַצדִיעַ नमस्कार, अभिवादन, सलामी salutirati tiszteleg menghormat heilsa (að hermannasið) salutare 敬礼する 거수경례 하다 sveikinti atiduodant pagarbą sveicināt; salutēt tabik groetenhilse, gjøre honnørsalutować سلام كول: هركلى كول، ( په عسكرۍ كى) دقطعى تقديمول، سلام نيول fazer continência a saluta приветствовать, отдавать честь salutovať salutirati salutirati göra honnör วันทยหัตถ์ selâm vermek 向...致敬 віддавати честь; вітати سلام chào, chào hỏi 向...致敬
2. to honour by firing eg large guns. They saluted the Queen by firing one hundred guns. salueer يُحَيِّي بإطلاق الرَّصاص давам салют saudar pozdravit grüßen salutere αποδίδω τιμές με όπλα saludar aupauke laskma احترامات نظامي به جا آوردن ampua kunnialaukaus saluer מָטַח כָּבוֹד सम्मानार्थ तोपों की सलामी počasna paljba tiszteleg memberi hormat heiðra með því að hleypa af (fallbyssu)skotum salutare 礼砲を放つ (예포 등으로) 예의를 포하다 sveikinti saliutuojant sveikt ar salūtu memberi tembakan hormat saluutschoten lossen voor hilse med kanonskudd, saluttere oddać salwę honorową na cześć هركلى كول، ( په عسكرۍ كى) دقطعى تقديمول saudar a saluta салютовать pozdraviť izkazati čast salutirati ge salut, salutera ให้เกียรติโดยการยิงปืนใหญ่ selâmlamak 鳴砲致敬 салютувати سلامی کے طور پر توپ سے گولہ اندازی chào mừng 鸣炮致敬
an act of saluting. The officer gave a salute; a 21-gun salute. saluut, salvo تَحِيَّه بإطْلاق النّار салют saudação pozdrav, salva der Salut salut χαιρετισμός, απόδοση τιμών saludo; salva tervitus, saluut اداي احترام tervehdys salut, salveהצדעה अभिवादन करना salutirati tisztelgés penghormatan það að heiðra saluto, salva 敬礼 경례 pasveikinimas, saliutas sveiciens; salūts tabik hormat saluutsalutt salut, salwa honorowa سلام روغبړ،سلامى saudação salvă отдание чести; салют pozdrav, salva pozdrav pozdrav honnör, salut การทำวันทยหัตถ์ selâmlama 敬禮 віддавання честі سیلیوٹ یا فوجی سلام کرنا việc chào mừng 敬礼
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


Saluteيُحَيّي zdravit hilsegrüßen

Salute Gif

χαιρετίζωsaludar tervehtiäsaluer salutiratisalutare 挨拶する 인사하다salueren

Salute Restaurant

hilse (på)pozdrowićsaudarприветствовать hälsa คำนับselamlamak chào敬礼

Salute Definition

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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